Friday, May 8, 2009

A Day of Presentations

by Dyani

On May 7, 2009 several STAMPS members arrived at Stuart-Hobson at 8 am to meet Ms. Trenkle. We got on the train and went to the Apple Store in Clarendon . We went there to present our end of the year STAMPS movie. It was fantastic! We showed off all of our hard work and knowledge. Ms Trenkle even had surprises for us. We got STAMPS books! They were of or spring break trip. I love mine. After we finished presenting the movie we were allowed to walk aroudn the Apple Store and explore... (I love STAMPS.)

by Briana

On Thursday, May 7 several STAMPS members, Ms. Trenkle, Ms. Jen and other parents, supporters and Apple Store personnel gathered at the Apple Store in Clarendon for our STAMPS Year 2 movie premiere. Though we had some technical difficulties the overall experience was fun. Everyone loved our movie, and many cried at the end of the movie as they realized that unfortunately STAMPS was coming to an end for us. After the movie all received the coolest t-shirts and a copy of our movie, then we played with some of the gadgets before we headed off to lunch, and NPS headquarters. Once we got to the NPS Headquarters we got set up after going through security, to present our presentation to some important Park Service employees. Though we were watching the movie for the 2nd time, it still took us back to all of our wonderful trips with our wonderful teacher Ms. Trenkle and our fabulous rangers Ms. Jen and Ms. Bethany.

by Radasha

The young STAMPSers went out and presented a wonderful movie we made about STAMPS and througout the year enjoying STAMPS. STAMPS is really cool and an exciting program to be in. The presentats were amazing and we had a really fun time answering questions that people asked us about STAMPS and we just loved it and the love we have for sTAMPS will always live on and never change.
by DaJuan

On Thursday, May 7, STAMPS did our presentation of our premiere STAMPS movie at the Apple Store. The Apple Store was located in Clarendon, Virginia. Supporters and parents came out to watch our movie and enjoyed it just as much as we enjoyed putting it all together. We spent time together with all of our STAMPSers at the Apple Store. Some of us even shared tears. I cried because this is my last year at Stuart-Hobson and I enjoyed very moment at this school and being in STAMPS. It has opened many doors to me and I will never forget it.

by Sertira

STAMPS had a premiere at the Apple Store for our movie that we made. At the premiere we had a lot of fun looking at the movie and script we put together. The movie was so cool that we started to cry because we realized that the year is almost over and there will not be any more cool adventures to go on as we enter high school.

by Liz

It was some of the most exciting STAMPS news ever (which is amazing, we have some great news). We were presenting our STAMPS: Year 2 movie at the APPLE STORE!!!!! Yay!!!! When we got there, we got books that documented our whole Lincoln trip. THEY ARE SO COOL!!! After we got over some technical difficulties, we watched our AWESOME movie. At the end of it, people were crying because STAMPS is over. We're all going to different schools, and we'll miss each other. Luckily, we got it together an didnt' cry at the presentation at the NPS Headquarters. I was proud of our movie and of us. YAY STAMPS!

by Katie

On May 7th STAMPS headed out to the premiere of our "major motion picture film." It was great because after hours of recording, picture setting, music choosing, our end product was fabulous!! Even though we had some technical difficulties the movie was a great hit! Afterward we were presented with STAMPS books and Apple t-shirts! It was so fun and emotional that some of us started to cry. We just couldn't help it. Our STAMPS journey is coming to a close, along with our last year at Stuart! My goodness, all of us are REALLY going to miss this program!! So f you have the opportunity, get involved because it has been one of the best experiences every for me.

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